Friday, August 27, 2010

freak in. freak out.

here is my obligatory "freak out" for the week:

  • I have been having really bad back pain. I mean, it hurts to stand, it hurts to sit, it hurts to bend. I can feel it in my legs. It sucks. I went to the chiropractor today, and it is still killing me. I have been taking naproxen religiously for the last 3 days. And.... I am just wondering what I am going to do if/when this happens to me in Spain. I won't have the option to call up the chiropractor in a state of emergency to be seen that day. I'll have to suffer through it, I guess.
  • I overdrew my account. Great. I am living at home and working 40 hours a week. How will I manage when I am living abroad, by myself, and making only 700Euro/month?! (I won't, however, have a problem working a mere 12 hours weekly. That's what I'm talking about... yaknowwhatimsayin?)
  • I just generally don't know what I am doing. I don't know what my duties are going to be yet. I don't know what it's going to be like to teach high-schoolers. I don't know how to teach English (or anything for that matter).
blaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. The worst part is the waiting, and the initial change. Once I settle down a bit over there, I won't feel this way. It's the fear of the unknown that is the most frightening. And at the same time, the excitement of the unknown is what fuels my daydreams...

but in the meantime... this dang back of mine needs to stop trying to kill me.

Monday, August 23, 2010

two weeks notice.

While there is still no official countdown, the time is surely flying by.

Today I told my boss that I will be leaving. I gave my 3-weeks notice. My last day will be September 10. That will give me almost 2 work-free weeks to get my things in order. Hopefully I'll have a chance to relax for a little bit before the madness begins. ....But mostly, I am anticipating the madness.
My boss was happy for me when I told her that I'd be leaving. She doesn't care that she will be shorter-staffed. She is just excited that I'm pursuing my dream. I think she gets frustrated when young people take jobs there and settle into a routine and never move up and onto better things. And, as I told so many people so many times, they didn't have to worry about me. I had my sights set on what I wanted. The timing was the tricky part. And the year of patience has definitely paid off.

The Satuday after my last day, I am going to have a going away picnic/thing. I am excited for it. I just hope people show up. haha. I'll invite everyone from work, and my family and friends (these categories are not necessarily mutually exclusive). It will be a nice time to see everybody before I go. Ah... I almost can't believe it!

I better get cracking with my preparations... I just don't know what I should be doing!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

How To Be Alone

A friend posted this video on Facebook the other day.
I like it. Not only because the poetry is cute, but because I can see myself needing to hear this advice in the near future.

So, for future reference: How To Be Alone.

...I think it's important to note here that while this video encourages being alone, it doesn't encourage withdrawal. What it means to say is, don't let the fact that you're alone stop you from going out in public. How else could you meet people, unless you go out to find some?