Saturday, November 7, 2009

bullet points & the blues

Despite the fact that my life is not terribly interesting lately, today feels like a good day to blog. And being a person who is moved by feelings of inspiration, I'm going to do just that. But to make it easier on all of us, I'm going to do it bullet-style.

*I miss the drive to/from Beaver Falls. I think I had a lot of philosophical moments alone in the car during that drive. Not to mention, it's always fun to sing along to a radio that is playing horrible songs at an unreasonable volume.

*I miss having the life of a college student. What I mean by this is that I miss being able to spontaneously hang out with people. The worst part about "growing up" and getting a "real job" is that people lose any sense of spontaneity that they may have once had. Everything has to be planned, the further in advance, the better. At this point in my life, I will no longer randomly run into people on the sidewalk or at awesome coffee shops and then be able to just hang out and have good conversation.

*I miss good conversation. I feel like I have a lot going through my head. Always. (Though this isn't necessarily a new thing.) And currently, I am at a loss for people to share my thoughts with. This is probably more cathartic for me than it is beneficial for any listening party... but nonetheless, I want to talk. For hours. To anybody. Nobody has time to just shoot the breeze.

*Trips to Beaver Falls always make me miss college. (In case you couldn't tell.)

*I know it would never happen, but I think it would be awesome if Geneva put me on a billboard. "God has called Rachael to things of which she knows not." I realize this will never happen because a college isn't going to want to advertise that their graduates don't have definite career plans at the end of their schooling. Maybe I'm just looking at the glass half-full here, but I think it's more exciting to be able to admit that I don't have a specific destination. I think that one of the best thing about traveling is being able to take it one step at a time. If you have loose plans, there is less room to become frustrated. And often times, the best experiences are the ones that you never planned for to begin with. I think I take the same approach to life. I don't have any definite career plans, but no matter what happens, I am sure it will be awesome.

*I am falling horribly behind on my book-reading goal for the year. I don't think I have read a book in about a month. There is only 1.75 months left this year, and I have about 5 books to read. I guess I better get on the ball.

*I bought some picture frames from Capo's today. I have been in a picture-framing frenzy lately. Unfortunately, one of the frames that I bought also has an old photo in it. Is it weird that I feel like I am going to be haunted for paying money for somebody else's personal photo? It's kind of creeping me out. I left it in my trunk. Now he'll just be even more pissed.

*I watched a tv show today called Lock 'N Load. It is about a gun shop and its clientele. It's somewhat frightening really, but kind of amusing. Anyway, there was a pastor on the show, who compared firing a gun to upholding the traditions of the Bible, all while a woman hummed 'Amazing Grace' in the background. It was kind of repulsive.

Upon rereading this post, I'd like to apologize for the pity party that I just invited you to. Lonely days + insomnia + slow music can do that to you. But it's okay... tomorrow will be better.