Thursday, May 27, 2010

may the horse be with you...

Today, for the first time in a very, very long time, I listened to Relient K.

This is the music of my high school years. Maybe a little bit of my college years as well, but mostly high school. And it's great. I mean, my musical tastes have obviously evolved.... But I just love how music has the ability to take you back to a certain time and place. I can clearly remember the days of riding around in cars, listening to all of this music, because there was nothing else to do in high school. I remember listening to all of these tunes on my portable cd player during my long bus rides to and from school. I remember going to all of those Relient K shows, and meeting the band a million times, and thinking it was the coolest thing that would ever happen to me. ...Oh, but look at me now! haha.

Don't even get me started on the flashbulb memories I have of "Hands Down" by Dashboard Confessional. Good times.

Oh, and Ps. I am still in love with Relient K's wittiness and wordsmithery. All of this may have re-inspired the crush I once had on Matt T. haha

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