Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wanna be a Star?!

So, I walk into work today to see a brand new poster hanging on the bulletin board. "Wanna be a Star?" ... Turns out, they are going to be filming a movie, called "The Next Three Days" at the jail in October. And they need people to be extras. haha.

Well, I looked up this movie on google, and it turns out that Russell Crowe will be in it! What?! haha. I might just have to volunteer myself. I mean, this is going to be a real movie. Like, in theaters real. And just how hilarious would it be if I was actually in it?!

haha, I have to think about this. But this just might provide my life with a little bit of excitement and adventure. These days I have to take it where I can get it..

1 comment:

  1. how could you pass this up?


    also, come back to beaver falls. my house is rearranged and the shrubbaries (sp?) have been cut.

    so glad you're blogging!
