- I have been having really bad back pain. I mean, it hurts to stand, it hurts to sit, it hurts to bend. I can feel it in my legs. It sucks. I went to the chiropractor today, and it is still killing me. I have been taking naproxen religiously for the last 3 days. And.... I am just wondering what I am going to do if/when this happens to me in Spain. I won't have the option to call up the chiropractor in a state of emergency to be seen that day. I'll have to suffer through it, I guess.
- I overdrew my account. Great. I am living at home and working 40 hours a week. How will I manage when I am living abroad, by myself, and making only 700Euro/month?! (I won't, however, have a problem working a mere 12 hours weekly. That's what I'm talking about... yaknowwhatimsayin?)
- I just generally don't know what I am doing. I don't know what my duties are going to be yet. I don't know what it's going to be like to teach high-schoolers. I don't know how to teach English (or anything for that matter).
but in the meantime... this dang back of mine needs to stop trying to kill me.